Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another long day...

I just got back home from a management class at my "real job" and let me tell you it was a LONG day! Eight hours of someone reading to you, word for word from the paper that we all had in front of us...makes me want to scream! I am not a morning person anyway, and while being having to be there at 8am is not early to some, to someone who doesn't normally have to be to work until 3pm it is torture! I am hoping to get some time with my torch later this evening after we eat, but I need to finish cleaning the hot tub too as it has been getting cooler here in the evenings and it is my favorite part of our new home! :) And I really should clean up my "studio" a bit, things are piling up and I am starting to lose track of things...strange that I'm such an organized person at work but not in my own little space...

Anyway, here are some pics of a couple of the items that I have listed in my shop this week, another octopus and a couple of pendants.

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